On Jo, 06 dec 12, 13:34:53, Richard Owlett wrote:
> >Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> >>
> >>How about diffing the output of 'dpkg --get-selections'
> >>for both
> >>situations?
> Did a fresh install on a drive where ALL partitions had been removed
> with Gparted [LiveCD].
> After reboot and user login
>  su <CR> password <CR> apt-get install gdm gedit<CR><CR>
>  apt-get install gnome-terminal<CR><CR>
>  dpkg --get-selections > /home/case1<CR>
> The file was 726 lines long.
> Did another fresh install on a drive where ALL partitions had been
> removed with Gparted [LiveCD].
> After reboot and user login
>  su <CR> password <CR> apt-get install gdm gedit
> gnome-terminal<CR><CR>
>  dpkg --get-selections > /home/case2<CR>
> The file was 533 lines long.
> I've saved the files to a USB drive. If you wish the output of diff,
> tell me which options you would like specified and I'll email the
> resulting file. I hesitate to send it to the whole list.

Both files should be only about 50k and less than 10k gziped. You can 
send them to me, maybe I'll look at them tomorrow (EET).

> I was apparently in error saying that when I rebooted I got a root
> terminal. It is a user terminal. Gedit could be invoked and
> apparently operated normally.


Kind regards,
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