On Jo, 06 dec 12, 23:39:33, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> On Jo, 06 dec 12, 13:34:53, Richard Owlett wrote:
> > CASE1
> > Did a fresh install on a drive where ALL partitions had been removed
> > with Gparted [LiveCD].
> > After reboot and user login
> >  su <CR> password <CR> apt-get install gdm gedit<CR><CR>
> >  apt-get install gnome-terminal<CR><CR>
> > 
> > CASE2
> > Did another fresh install on a drive where ALL partitions had been
> > removed with Gparted [LiveCD].
> > After reboot and user login
> >  su <CR> password <CR> apt-get install gdm gedit
> > gnome-terminal<CR><CR>

Ok, the answer to your riddle is here:

$ apt-cache show gdm
Package: gdm
    gnome-session | x-session-manager | x-window-manager | x-terminal-emulator, 

If you install both gdm and gnome-terminal in the same run apt will 
correctly consider this dependency satisfied (since gnome-terminal 
Provides: x-terminal-emulator), otherwise it will chose the first 
alternative, which is gnome-session (which then pulls an entire Gnome 
session via Depends and Recommends).

Hope this helps,
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