Am 22.01.2013 um 13:38 schrieb Richard Owlett:

At the end-user level I think Debian has a logical flaw.
It presumes that all software is always available in a repository (be it FOSS/proprietary, trusted/untrusted, whatever distinction). Yesterday I found a program (in beta) whose functional writeup was interesting. In the latest revision a deb package was added to the previously available formats. I downloaded the package with my Windows machine (it was available at the instant). I now have a deb package on a flash drive which Debian can read but has no built-in convenient method to install.

The usual way to install if a .deb is available on a third party repository--here a package not available in Squeeze:

# get new source

# install
dpkg -i postfixadmin_2.3.5-2_all.deb

IMHO in a graphical desktop environment like Gnome2 it is also possible to double click on yourpacke.deb in the file browser but I like the console more for such activities.

Helmut Wollmersdorfer

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