On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 08:15:24AM -0500, Nelson Green wrote:
>    Hello all,
>    Seems I'm a bit brain dead this morning, and I'm having difficulty
>    remembering how to set up an ssh tunnel to our development server through
>    the public facing system
>    I can ssh into pub1 just fine, and from that shell I can ssh into the
>    development server, dev1. What I want to do is to be able to open a
>    terminal on my local machine and connect my psql client directly to that
>    development server, on it's port 5432. So I want to be able to locally run
>    a command similar to:
>     [me@mymachine]$ psql -U dbusername -h dev1 -p xxx
>    where, if I remember correctly, xxx is the port I tunnel into the public
>    system on.
>    I know I've done this before, but since I rarely work from home like this
>    I've forgotten the steps. Would someone care to enlighten me?

I'm not sure you can do exactly what you want, but it you issue:

 [me@machine]$ ssh my@pub1 -L5432:dev1:5432

then, assuming that pub1 can access port 5432 on dev1, you can do

  [me@mymachine]$ psql -U dbusername -h localhost p 5432

So your SSH client listens on localhost:5432 and pub1 connects to
dev1:5432. If you can only access dev1 by ssh and need a second hop,
thinks get more difficult :)

>    On a related note, how do I kill the tunnel after I am done with it. I've
>    just killed the process in the past, but I'm wondering if there is not a
>    more elegant way?

If you close the SSH session, it'll take the tunnel down with it.

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