On Sb, 08 iun 13, 03:27:20, Fran wrote:
> Hello list,
> I just installed Debian 7.0 "Wheezy" on what I call my new workstation.
> It's a pretty standard setup: right now I installed Debian on the first
> SATA drive (a 120Gb SSD drive) and mounted my 1Tb HDD as my home
> partition with no problems at all.
Looks like a reasonable setup.

> I've been reading here and there though, and it's fair to say that the
> SSD stuff is kind of new to me. I found nice documentation in the Wiki
> (http://wiki.debian.org/SSDOptimization) but I hope you don't mind if I
> ask for your personal opinion about a few things:

The great thing about a wiki is that anyone can edit it. The bad thing 
about a wiki is that anyone can edit it ;)

(you can quote me on this)

> - Do I really need to set up a complex configuration for partitioning
> like seen here (http://wiki.debian.org/Multi%20HDD/SSD%20Partition%
> 20Scheme)? Should I be worried for unexpected errors if not?

Well you didn't mention the SSD model, but generally no and no.
Do make good backups, but this is nothing SSD specific.

> - What are (if any) the *must take into account* aspects when working
> with an SSD on Debian? Are there any "new routines" I should be aware of
> right now?

Not really. Just make sure you used recent enough partitioning tools 
(but as the wiki says, squeeze is ok already) and maybe set 'noatime' 
(but since 'relatime' is default now the benefit is rather limited).

The default scheduler tweak also looks interesting, but again, you 
probably won't feel the difference.

Did I mention you should have good backups? :p

Just sit back and enjoy the speed ;)

Kind regards,
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