Aharon Fajardo wrote:
> Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > Fran wrote:
> > > - Do I really need to set up a complex configuration for partitioning
> > > like seen here
> > > (http://wiki.debian.org/Multi%20HDD/SSD%20Partition%20Scheme)?
> > > Should I be worried for unexpected errors if not?
> > 
> > Well you didn't mention the SSD model, but generally no and no.
> > Do make good backups, but this is nothing SSD specific.

Good advice.

> > > - What are (if any) the *must take into account* aspects when working
> > > with an SSD on Debian? Are there any "new routines" I should be aware of
> > > right now?
> > 
> > Not really. Just make sure you used recent enough partitioning tools 
> > (but as the wiki says, squeeze is ok already) and maybe set 'noatime' 
> > (but since 'relatime' is default now the benefit is rather limited).

I am doing nothing special on my SSD based systems.  Because by now
Squeeze 6 and Wheezy 7 already have all of the special updates needed
as standard.

> > The default scheduler tweak also looks interesting, but again, you 
> > probably won't feel the difference.
> > 
> > Did I mention you should have good backups? :p
> > 
> > Just sit back and enjoy the speed ;)


> Do you have any evidence to back up your statements?

If you don't believe it then the counter example is yours to refute. :-)

> I had just bought a system76 laptop that is preinstalled with Ubuntu
> 13.04, and has a nice SSD and HDD setup. The problem is that the
> laptop's hdd comes unpartioned and unformatted, while the entire
> filesytem lives on the SSD.

That doesn't sound like a problem as such.  You have the flexibility
to do anything you want with the hard disk.  What do you want to do
with it?

I don't prefer pre-installed systems of any sort because if I ever
need to replace the drive or have a disaster I may want to re-install.
I would rather know how the system was created.  If I install it then
I know I can re-created it.  If it is pre-installed and there are
special needs to it then I may never be able to admin it.  Of course
if they give you all of the special configuration information then
that is good.  And it is likely that they are selecting hardware which
does not need any special configuration.  That latter is always best.

> It is a very high-end laptop, and God forbid that anything happens
> to the SSD.

No.  If the SSD dies then simply replace it and restore from backup.
Because backup is always a good idea regardless of the media.  Backups
save people from people mistakes. :-)

> Every article I look up in my research says that you must be going
> on a safari in your fstab and partitioning your SSD and HDD for
> certain file directories.

Most of those articles are quite old now.  After a couple of years all
of that special handle migrated into the partition tools.  If you
install using the debian-install from a netinst, CD#1, DVD#1 disk then
the partitions will be set up correctly aligned.

> In short, I hope what you're saying is right, but I need to see a
> second opinion or a personal account that supports what you're
> saying before I make any changes to my storage devices.
Then let me give a second to Andrei's report.  You should be fine.
What Andrei said sounded completely reasonable to me.

But it doesn't sound like you are needing to partition the SSD at
all.  You said it was the hard disk that wasn't partitioned.
Therefore it would be the HDD that you would need to partition and
use.  And you said you did that already.

Most new spinning hard disks are also coming with Advanced Format
partitioning with 4k sectors.  Basically it means that spinning hard
disks have about the same issues with partition alignments as SSDs
do.  So you should check that the partitions are aligned with hard
disks too these days.

> My SSD specs are:
> 120 GB Intel 525 Series mSATA SSD
> And my HDD specs are:
> 500 GB 7200 RPM SATA II

Sure.  Rather than very vague essays it would be better if you have a
specific question to just ask it.  For example you could post your
partition table and ask if it were aligned.

  sfdisk -d /dev/sda


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