Brian wrote:
> Michael Anckaeart wrote:
> > I was going to provide all necessary info in the bug report, but here
> > goes: 

It is quite reasonable to make descriptions here and then repeat all
of the refined information again when making the bug report.

> > I downloaded the latest Debian testing image
> > (debian-testing-amd64-netinst.iso), installed in a new VirtualBox VM:
> > all options default except LVM on the entire disk (not encrypted). 
> > When rebooting after the installation I get dropped into a busybox
> > shell with the message that my vg_root partition wasn't found. 
> > 
> > So basically a vanilla installation with LVM on VirtualBox that's
> > missing the lvm2 package.

Hmm...  That definitely works in Wheezy 7.  I use it all of the time.
But it could be broken in Jessie Testing.

Could you try the exact same test that you are currently doing but
using Wheezy 7 instead of Jessie?  If it works then you have a good
solid report that something is broken between Wheezy 7 and Jessie
Testing.  If not then it would be good to look at things here a little
more first.  Because external influences such as preseed files may
affect the behavior too.


> An lvm2 package is listed as being available in
> If you report a bug then debian-installer looks like the place for it.

Agreed.  I would report it there.  Then it can get triaged as appropriate.


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