El 25/06/13 23:11, SANG KIM escribió:
> ied to use the password command to remove whatever password I
> created/didn't create and I get an error message that the password
> command cannot be found in BASH.  Is there


Never happen to me.
But, when you login with a user account, you don tried to probe with:
$ su -

And if you start with a liveCD/USB for make a chroot to the previously
installed Debian and try to change the root password from outside?:

# mkdir /target
# mount /dev/installed-linux-partitition /target
# mount --bind /dev /target/dev
# mount --bind /proc /target/proc
# mount --bind /srv /target/srv
# mount --bind /sys /target/sys
# chroot /target
# passwd
(your password)
(your password again)

# exit
# umount /target/sys ; umount /target/srv
# umount /target/proc ; umount /target/dev
# umount /target
# reboot


Pablo Alejandro Hamann
Soporte Informático
Hospital de Urgencias

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