Hi Zeenan,

I have streamlined the problems as follow, anybody with little HW
resource and time can reporduce it.

1) Have a workable host running vbox
2) do a regular wheezy .iso netinstall in a guest (I used amd64 wheezy)
3) Log in and check all works well (generally it did) (you may log
classic or regular)
$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:    Debian
Description:    Debian GNU/Linux 7.1 (wheezy)
Release:    7.1
Codename:    wheezy

4) apt-get install vnc4server

5) $ vncserver -geometry 1000x1000
6) $ vncserver kill :1
At this point you have .vnc/passwd setup ok and xstartup to fix

7) place this into.vnc/ xstartup
xsetroot -solid grey
/usr/bin/gnome-session& (here you may do gnome-session-fallback)

8) on another system do vncviewer node:1
At this point you are in a brand new workspace

9) win+alt+right-click on the top-panel bar (out of any tabs, middle of nothing)
It show the  custom popup
[add to panel...]
[Delete this panel]

click Properties, then [background] tab
click [x] Solid color

Kaboom, you never use this account again

Well you can, from console
vncserver -kill :1
rm -rf ./.config

You can retry again and again until fixed :-)


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