Amazingly I needed to do a check on ubuntu raring, so I quickly setup
a raring guest. And as I am at it, dit the
panel->properties->[background] test, and it got killed with out any
'oh no' message, so even harder to understand what happen :) I may be
back to debian for raring era :)

So this is more a general GUI linux world problem, all distro's are
victimised by questionable bus architecture, then wanted to get as
nice as MAC, and got as worth as windooze :) (just kidin, don't

And about opening a ticket, well why opening at debian since it is general...

I am not involved enough to know the process of reporting this....


On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 12:11 PM, Phi Debian <> wrote:
>> Just to clarify your procedure - vbox is installed, but you are
>> running vncserver just from host box, not inside vbox right?
> Once the vbox guest wheezy is installed and has a vcnserver runing on
> it, you may use any vncviewer you may have on your intranet to connect
> to it.
> my exact setup is
> my thin client with vncviewer on it.
> a host where I have vbox on it (in a computer room)
> I access the server with the evil vncviewer that 'pure' sysadmin on
> server would reject. yet it works enough to let vbox display the guest
> console with wheezy login screen so I can log on this one (doesn't
> crash) and do the sysadmin of the wheezy guest, i.e install
> vnc4server, tweak .vnc, start vncserver.
> back to my thin client i can use vncviewer to access the wheezy
> vncserver session.
> In the real life (non vbox) the path is similar, i.e a virtual console
> to the computer room server, a wheezy install (in my case was un
> squeeze update, but install would do the same) sysadmin vnc4server,
> .vnc, xstartup, vncserver. Then from my thinclient access my server
> vncsession, and crash it the same way.
> So the vbox path given is to avoid a bug fixer to buy a server :)
> Did I filled a bug report? no, the problem is knows since about a year
> and a half, and as I said reported thousand of time on the net, so I
> guessed it was already reported.
> Cheers,
> Phi

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