On Fri, 30 Aug 2013 18:02:54 +0200
Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mard...@alice-dsl.net> wrote:

> > git pull/make/make install
> There's a better way of building packages, but I'm short in time now,
> so at least checkinstall usually does build a "primitive" package,
> IOW I would run
> git pull
> (perhaps ./configure)
> make
> checkinstall
> assumed it needs to be compiled by make.
Its even simpler, 'mr update; cd ~/git/foobar; sudo checkinstall -D',
and just let checkinstall do all the building and install its *.deb
that its just created. If checkinstall bails out you can easily see
what the problem is, and hopefully resolve it. I'm all in favour of
simplifying life! :)

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