----- Original Message -----
From: "Darac Marjal" 
Sent: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 09:42:10 +0000
Subject: Re: NVIDIA Problem?
 On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 12:16:52AM -0400,
erosenb...@hygeiabiomedical.com wrote:
 > I  am running jessie/sid.
 > When I boot, prior to the login screen I receive the following
message: "A
 > problem has occurred and the system can't recover" .It has been
 > to me that the problem might be with the NVIDIA driver and that I
 > look at Xorg.log and xsession-errors.  I cannot interpret these
files at
 > all.  I have removed the duplicate lines in xsession-errors, but
I do not 
 > know what to do with Xorg.log.

 OK. First off, it's NOT a problem with the NVIDIA driver. I can tell
 that because you're actually using the intel driver. If you have an
 NVIDIA device available (either as your only graphics device or as a
 secondary card), then you have a bigger problem.

 > With your indulgence and my apologies for the length of the files,
 > they are:


I ran  smartctl on the hard drive, and it is OK.

I am a newbie. I hope that I am correct, but you said that the hard
drive might have problems.  As per above, thankfully it is healthy.

Your next  comment was that there might be a problem with the video
card.  If that is true, I should replace the video card.  What do
you recommend?  The computer is a   IBM ThinkCentre M50 8189.



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