Hi, i'm running Wheezy. I used to have an older Android phone that Just Worked 
with my system, but I upgraded it to one running Android 4.2, and now i can no 
longer figure out how get it to talk to my computer.

Ive Googled and tried to read up about MTP, but im still not sure how to get 
things working--different sites have you download and compile things from 
scratch, which seems crazy that you can't just plug your phone in. I did 
install mtp-tools, but i can't find mtpfs that many of the sites say you need 
to have.

All i want is to be able to plug my phone in via USB and have it visible in the 
filesystem, whether through Thunar or on the commandline. Being able to have it 
work with Banshee wuold be nice too, but i assume that if the phone is visible 
then it will work with any tools.

Thank you.


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