On Tue, Jan 07, 2014 at 07:28:06AM -0800, Dr. Jennifer Nussbaum wrote:
>    Hi, i'm running Wheezy. I used to have an older Android phone that Just
>    Worked with my system, but I upgraded it to one running Android 4.2, and
>    now i can no longer figure out how get it to talk to my computer.
>    Ive Googled and tried to read up about MTP, but im still not sure how to
>    get things working--different sites have you download and compile things
>    from scratch, which seems crazy that you can't just plug your phone in. I
>    did install mtp-tools, but i can't find mtpfs that many of the sites say
>    you need to have.

MTPFS is only available in Squeeze and Sid.

>    All i want is to be able to plug my phone in via USB and have it visible
>    in the filesystem, whether through Thunar or on the commandline. Being
>    able to have it work with Banshee wuold be nice too, but i assume that if
>    the phone is visible then it will work with any tools.

One alternative may be to use GVFS. Have a look to see if your
gvfs-backends package supports mtp ("apt-cache show gvfs-backends" will
say), then perhaps something like gvfs-fuse will do.

>    Thank you.
>    Jen

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