
Dňa Mon, 03 Feb 2014 16:47:04 -0500 Doug <dmcgarr...@optonline.net>

> Your arguments may be true for Debian, because of their program that 
> allows use of 32-bit software on a 64-bit system.
> Other distros do not have that ability, and there are some good

IMO, this is a Debian users list, no other distros list, then the
arguments are at right point.

BTW i am using amd64 for more than 6-7 years. At start there was some
problems, due missing amd64 version of software or/and software, which
i was not able to compile on amd64 due FTBS. But i don't remember these
problems in last years - and i am using a lot of unofficial (in mean
Debian's) SW.



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