Am Donnerstag, 13. Februar 2014, 16:05:47 schrieb Jonathan Dowland:
> On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 03:16:12PM +0100, Hans wrote:
> > Maybe I missed something? Or is systemd still not working with
> > encrypted partitions? There was nothing in the doc about it (as far as
> > I read)
> I use systemd with encrypted partitions without problems.
> Can you boot the machine, and at the grub prompt, edit the command line
> and confirm what the 'init=' argument is? Additionally if there's a
> "quiet" option on the command line, please delete it and try to boot.
> Does that show any diagnostic information?

All right, I guess, I found the solution by removing quiet the grub 

For those, who got into the same problem as me, here is what I did:

As I wanted to choose between automatically lock up my encrypted partitions by 
an usb stick or by hand, I commented out the following line in /etc/fstab
# /dev/disk/by-label/UIT-KEY    /media          vfat    uid=0,gid=0,umask=277   
0       0

This was the first point, systemd hanged, because it got into a loop and tried 
to find the stick over and over again.

In /etc/crypttab I removed the following lines, too, as they are related to 
the usb stick, too.

# home UUID=eab02575-9a67-466f-b44a-ef29ff76053e /media/key1 luks,discard
# usr UUID=7deb2088-44e1-4558-8e84-c5fcb4d2fd2d /media/key1 luks,discard
# var UUID=2318e3e6-0377-4633-9ab5-7fdac9cea2a9 /media/key1 luks,discard

This was the second loop, where systemd hanged and counted over and over from 
1 to 6.

After I commented out these lines from above files, I could enter my encryption 
passwords and booting worked as wished. Besides, I was impressed how fast it 
booted! Wow!

If some maintainer is reading this, some little feedback. It would be nice, 
when the message, that the partition is successfully checked would not appear 
direct in the linbe, where I want to enter the password. Just not a function 
problem, more a cosmetic part. Oh, do not hurry, I can wait!!! 

Again, I was impressed, how fast it boots, makes my ssd looking like in turbo 
mode. I will now install systemd on my EEEPC, my old single-core AMD amd64 
desktop and on my other older computers. After some testing on different 
hardware I will just give another feedback.

Thank you for any help.

happy hacking


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