Gian Uberto Lauri wrote:

But I fear a situation like this:

Random J. Hacker: "We could use a Debian stable server for this, but I
                                   have to go and see how to port our boot script 
Project M. Anager: "Go and see?"
Random J. Hacker: "Yes, they changed the boot process and the documentation
                                   does not cover all"
Project M. Anager: "No, we will stick to $whatsoever, we have no budget for
                                    with old sysV init, we have non budget 

[Please note: mrs. Project M. Anager at least knows what she is
  talking about]

On an issue like this documentation is critical. Let's hope that RH
interest in systemd will give us this kind of documentation...

I haven't switched to Wheezy yet, and now this comes up. It's starting to sound like udev all over again. I still cringe when I think of the first time I replaced ethernet card in a server and udev changed the name -- took me a LONG time to figure out why the system wouldn't come up on the net (and I had to spend a day in the data center, with a directly connected terminal to do it).

This kind of change to a critical core facility is almost always painful. Sigh... (or is that "shudder...").

Miles Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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