On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 07:38:24PM +0000, Sharon Kimble wrote:
> I am using this script to convert radio programmes downloaded with
> 'get-iplayer' from '*.m4a' to '*.mp3', and it works very well. 
> for i in *.m4a;
>                       do faad "$i"
>                               x=`echo "$i"|sed -e 's/.m4a/.wav/'`
>                               y=`echo "$i"|sed -e 's/.m4a/.mp3/'`
>                               lame -h -b 192 "$x" "$y"
>                               rm -f "$x"
>                       done;
> But, there is a problem. They come in this format -
> '15_Minute_Drama_-_AM_Homes_-_This_Book_Will_Save_Your_Life_Episode_5_b00jdlb8_default.m4a'
> How can I lose the '_b00jdlb8_default' section please? It is always
> in this format but with different letters and numbers in the section
> before 'default'. 
> I have quite a few programmes already converted so I also need to be
> able to use this ability on them too. I would welcome another script
> that could perform this please?

Just to show there's another way to do it, if you have perl installed,
this should work:

$ rename 's/_[^_]+_default//' *_default.*

(That is, it removes "underscore, followed by some things which are not
underscore, followed by underscore default" from all the files which end
in underscore default).

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