On Lu, 24 feb 14, 15:06:48, Tazman Deville wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 01:57:02PM +0100, Tazman Deville wrote:
> > I have a little server running here in my office,
> > and logrotate kept running at c. 7am, and using up 100% CPU.
> > I changed the line in /etc/crontab to run cron.daily scripts
> > at 4:15am, instead of 7:whateveritwas am.
> > 15 4 * * *
> > Also, in cron.daily/logrotate
> > I added 
> > nice -n 15
> > I made these changes two days ago,
> > and still, yesterday and today, logrotate is running at 7:30ami-ish,
> > and using up almost 100% of CPU cycles.
> > The "server" is an old refurbed eMachines box,
> > 3.2ghz single core celeron with 2gb ram (was my work box from 2007 to
> > 2011), and logrotate is beating it up.
> > 
> > How do I get logrotate, first,
> > to run at a time when the server is not busy with other stuff 
> > (I'm actively doing stuff on the server at 7am, but not at 4am, which is
> > why I had made that change).
> > and/or
> > limit its abuse of CPU cycles?
> > 
> > Why is it seemingly not honouring the changes I made to /etc/crontab
> > and cron.daily/logrotate?
> Off-list someone suggested I restart the cron daemon, which I have done.
> I won't know if that helped until tomorrow morning, though.

According to the manpage it is not necessary to restart the daemon, so 
this should not fix your problem. How about you attach your crontab and 
the relevant parts from syslog? Also check if you have anacron 

Kind regards,
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