On Wed, 26 Feb 2014 17:11:04 +0000
Kirt Odle <ko...@first-state.net> wrote:

Hello Kirt,

>Can I get someone to clearly explain to me ( a Debian newbie ) how to
>make aptitude download tshark and ALL of its dependencies, in a single
>operation ??

If you mean just download, I think you need;

aptitude -d install tshark

Be advised:  I've never used aptitude that way, so may be
misunderstanding the man pages.

If you want to install as well, then David's answer is the one you want.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
Tell the dinosaurs they just won't survive
The History Of The World (Part 1) - The Damned

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