On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 05:11:04PM +0000, Kirt Odle wrote:
> Can I get someone to clearly explain to me ( a Debian newbie ) how to make 
> aptitude download tshark and ALL of its dependencies, in a single operation ??

Just adding another point-of-view. If you're using aptitude's Text User
Interface (TUI), you can achieve this as follows. Press / to bring up
the search box. Enter "tshark" and press enter. If the package you want
to download isn't highlighted, press 'n' for the next search result
(sometimes, you get 'libsomething' before 'something'). When the package
you want to install is highlighted, press '+' to select it for
installation. Aptitude will, at this point, resolve any necessary
dependencies (if it doesn't select 'Options' > 'Preferences' from the
menu and confirm that "Automatically resolve dependencies of a package
when it is selected" is checked). Press 'g' to show the proposed changes
(i.e. the set of packages to be installed) and then press 'g' again to
begin download/installation.

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