On Sun, Mar 16, 2014 at 4:36 AM, Anubhav Yadav <anubhav1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Suddenly my .Xresources are not working on startup. Meaning I have to
> manually startup a terminal and issue "xrdb .Xresources" and restart
> the shell to see my colors.
> I am using(learning to use) i3 although I have xfce installed, and I
> start i3/xfce from lightdm.
> Now I remember doing two things after which this started happening:
> 1) I changed the colors of my .Xresources from base16-tomorrow to molokai.
> Here is my .Xresources http://paste.debian.net/87922
> To be a little more precise, the previous scheme had the colors
> defined like this:
> #define t_background #1d1f21
> #define t_current_line #282a2e
> #define t_selection #373b41
> #define t_foreground #c5c8c6
> #define t_comment #969896
> #define t_red #cc6666
> #define t_orange #de935f
> #define t_yellow #f0c674
> #define t_green #b5bd68
> #define t_aqua #8abeb7
> #define t_blue #81a2be
> #define t_purple #b294bb
> *.foreground: t_foreground
> *.background: t_background
> *.cursorColor: #aeafad
> ! Black / Grey
> *.color0: #000000
> *.color8: #666666
> ! Red / Bright Red
> *.color1: t_red
> *.color9: #FF3334
> ! Green + Bright Green
> *.color2: t_green
> *.color10: #9ec400
> ......
> [snipped]
> And the new colors are directly put like this
> !Molokai terminal colours
> *foreground:#a0a0a0
> *background:#1b1d1e
> !molokai inspired colors
> !black
> *color0:    #1b1d1e
> *color8:    #505354
> !red
> *color1:    #f92672
> *color9:    #ff5995
> !green
> *color2:    #82b414
> *color10:   #b6e354
> !yellow
> *color3:    #fd971f
> *color11:   #feed6c
> !blue
> *color4:    #56c2d6
> *color12:   #8cedff
> [..snipped..]
> 2) I edited the file /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and added this line:
> user-session=i3
> to make i3 as default in i3.
> 3) I created a file ~/.xessionrc and added the line to it
> export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH

Sorry pressed the send button by mistake: Here is the continuation

So I created the above file so that I could run scripts from ~/bin in dmenu.

These 3 steps I remember doing after which my .Xresources failed to
load on startup.

Now I already reverted steps 2 and 3, but even now that won't help.

These are the things I tried:

1) I changed to format of the colors from
*background to xterm*background or Xterm.VT100.background but that wont help.

2) I created a symlink .Xdefaults to .Xresources but that won't work either.

3) I also created ~/.xinitrc and added the line "xrdb -load
.Xresources" to it, but that won't help either.

Interesting thing to note is that only "xrdb .Xresources" will work
after boot. Not  "xrdb -merge .Xresources" neither "xrdb -overide

Any help? And sorry for the reply to my own mail to complete my question!

Anubhav Yadav
Imperial College of Engineering and Research,

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