On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 02:09:53PM -0400, Steve Litt wrote:
> On Fri, 30 May 2014 10:38:50 +0200
> "Gian Uberto Lauri" <sa...@eng.it>  wrote:
> > David Dušanić writes:
> > 
> >  > Ok, we have to be even more correct on this, even JWM is just a
> >  > window manager.
> > 
> > One may agree with the precision of your classification.
> > 
> > Or the same one may increase confusion by (rightfully) asserting that
> > depending on user skills and habits, a WM and shell may be all the
> > "desktop environment" a user needs, especially when she already has
> > (or can create easily) all the inter-program communication required.
> And in addition to everything you just said, the WM/DE distinction
> isn't binary, it's a spectrum. At one end is KDE, where everything's
> provided and interconnected. At the other is something like JWM, which
> pretty much just manages windows.

Sawfish and openbox, even metacity would fit in this last "just manages
windows" category, and, in fact, don't even include a panel, which I
think JWM has by default. (although, clearly, any of a variety of panels
can be added. I sometimes use fbpanel with openbox, but often run it
with nothing but a little conky to show CPU/RAM NETUP/DOWN TIME/DATE).
Some of these were essentially created to be the WM of a particular DE,
or can be swapped in. Metacity was initially the gnome wm, afaik, for
I've never done it, but I imagine one could run the KDE's WM, or XFWM,
or others alone (without the DE stuff).

> If I stretch, I could even make an assertion that a DE is a document
> telling what software to install and how to use it within your
> environment. For instance, there are tray and panel type things you can
> add to your OpenBox. The document could tell how to install
> suckless-tools and then add dmenu_run as a hotkeyed option for quicker
> running of programs.

I do this on my openbox.
I have Mod+p open dmenu to launch stuff.

art, music, software by me, tony

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