On Du, 01 iun 14, 15:36:37, Joe wrote:
> Not wishing to add confusion, but you may also find references to
> 'dpkg'. This is the low-level package tool that all the apt tools are
> front-ends for. It does no dependency checking,

Maybe you didn't mean it this way, but dpkg does indeed do dependency 
checking. When provided with a bunch of .deb files to install it will 
take care of proper ordering when needed (Depends:, Pre-Depends:, etc.) 
and will refuse to install packages without satisfied dependencies 
unless --force switches are used.

I think it's more accurate to say dpkg only handles files (be it .deb 
archives or files originating from .deb archives). It has no knowledge 
of archives, repositories, etc.

> and will do exactly
> what you tell it to do, so it is somewhat dangerous to use. It can do
> things the apt tools cannot, however, (the man page is quite large) so
> you may occasionally need to resort to using it, *carefully*. 

The apt tools are useless without dpkg, however, dpkg will happily 
install .deb files downloaded by any other means.

> A few of its options are simple and safe: 
>   dpkg --get-selections > <a file> 
>   is a useful way to keep a record of the installed states of packages,
> and is probably a good thing to do regularly as part of a backup
> regimen. dpkg-reconfigure is a utility to re-run the configuration of
> a package that normally happens only at install time.

This can be useful, but looses a lot of additional information, like 
whether packages were installed because of user action or as dependency 
of another package. apt-clone can be used for such backup/restores.

Kind regards,
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