Horatio Leragon wrote:
> Brian wrote:
> > I wish the Debian Reference told us things like this and was
> > available on t'internet. :)
> I'm puzzled by your weird behavior, Brian. The above statement of
> yours contradicts what you advised me earlier in 2 replies of 1 June
> and 1 reply of 2 June 2014. In the latter your advice for me was to
> look up the "man interfaces" and Debian Reference Manual.
> Now in the latest reply, you admitted that the Debian Reference is
> deficient: "I wish the Debian Reference told us things like this and
> was available on t'internet. :)"

I read that as being sarcastic (and nicely done too) since the Debian
Reference *does* tell us things like this, documents it very well, and
it *is* available on the internet.  And I found it extra funny because
I referenced it in my posting which I posted within a minute or two of
Brian's posting.


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