
Dňa Fri, 6 Jun 2014 08:32:34 +0200 Prunk Dump <prunkd...@gmail.com>

> The only problem I found with this release system it that, for the
> users like me that use Debian stable, it is not very motivating to
> find bug fixes because they are never applied to my version.

Yes and no :-)

First, there is a chance that the same version of the software is in
testing too. Next, there is a chance that the same bug (if unknown yet)
will stay in next versions too.

For finding bugs (and fixing) there are unstable and testing. The
latest's name pointing to testing of the software (for the next stable),
then if you are willing to play with bugs (finding, fixing) to help make
Debian better, you can consider to switch to the testing (jessie now).
The unstable (sid) is more intended for developers (mainly Debian's
developers), than for testers, but can be usable too.

IMHO testing is good choice for desktop computer – i am using it for
years, in latest two or three years i encounter only with minimal
problems, but yes – they sometime happens. There is one beside effect
with testing - things (software properties and functions) can and
will change, often without any info before, then you can need to
customize your configuration more often than in stable, but you will
learn new things with this too :)

> Moreover, in my network, I need to manage 120 Debian Wheezy clients.
> So if I made the patch myself and create a new Debian package et is
> difficult for me to deploy the patched version to the client.

I can suggest to create own repository on the LAN, where you can place
the patched package and install from it in all clients. Yes, this can
be time consuming, but if you have remote root access via (e.g.) SSH
with keys, you can simple automate the package upgrade process by some
bash (or similar) script. Very simple example (here only echo):

for IP in $(seq 1 10); do
    echo ssh root@$LAN$IP apt-get update
    echo ssh root@$LAN$IP apt-get install some_package

There are some packages to maintain more remote computers at once, but
i am not using any.

> Thanks your very much Bob ! And excuse my English.

Don't worry about your English :)



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