 From: Richard Hector <rich...@walnut.gen.nz>
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org 
Sent: Saturday, June 7, 2014 4:32 PM
Subject: Re: Post-installation: how to auto-configure network adapter (ie. 
enable internet access)?
> The answer, though, is not strictly what you asked for: it also removes the 
> kernel image metapackages, so your kernel will not get > new kernels when you 
> do an apt-get upgrade.

No offence, Richard but you're wrong this time.

I suggest you try that command on a test machine before giving your answer as 
stated above. I have tried it at least 7 times in the past two weeks (and why? 
because I'm learning how to use Debian. When I get meet a roadblock and no 
immediate help is at hand, even after googling for answers, I reformat my 
machine and start anew.)

> Also, I'd recommend keeping the last good kernel as well.

Thanks for the recommendation, but if and when I meet obstacles and can't solve 
them, I just have to reformat my machine and start afresh.

> It is much more useful if you're able to evaluate it and figure out what it 
> really does before you go ahead.

In case you didn't already know, I've little knowledge of Debian. By the time I 
finish reading and understand the concepts of bash scripting, it may be two 
years from now.

What do you recommend that I do during these two years?

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