----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2003 15:36
Subject: phonetic symbols

First of all thanks to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for his comments. I have
OpenOffice 1.1.0; it is probably the latest version.I am not sure whether I
understand what you mena by "They use the space bar and not the tab". In
Windows I had everything in just one file; I converted it to Linux; then I
copied big chunks of it and pasted it in the 8 files; suppose that "because"
is in the middle of a line and the next word "there ..."  is not in the same
line but at the beginning of the following line; if I try to put  "there
behind "because" to eliminate the blank space, I put the cursor after
"because" and I press Supr, then I save, close and open; the text has
disappeared. I was told by my friend that converting files from Linux to
Windows would be much worse; I am ready to believe it because big fish don't
have to worry about small fish but small fish have to worry about big fish.
bet that OpenOffice is wonderful as far as conversion is concerned but there
is something lacking. Well, the text is very long indeed: 960 pages in size
8, probably over 1500 pages in size 12; we are a group of more than twenty
Englisg-speaking teachers working in Spain and assisting a Spanish professor
of English who has dedicated over 30 years to writing what is considered at
the moment the best book in Spanish to learn English; that book was
only a few weeks ago with the title "Guía para los amantes del inglés"; it
has 960 pages in size 14.8 x 21 with letters in size 8, which is small but
not as small s some dictionaries of English, for example; it costs 15 euros,
which is very little in Spain; it offers 30 000 euros to any person who
presents another book in Spanish or any other language in the world that is
better and cheaper; the only language that is excluded is English because it
has to be in two languages: English and Spanish or whatever. On top of that
people who buy or have access to the book can ask as many questions as they
wish for 3 years without paying any money. If you are interested, go to
We are not businessmen; we are altruists and passionate about English and
Spanish; therefore I would interested in reading about what other people may
comment or do  concerning your wonderful suggestion.
Secondly thanks to Hoyt Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for his comments. Can it
help me? I use Debian knoppix.
I doubt that nroff is still avilable I think roff generally replaced it
after word processors were invented.  My comment was historical only.  At
that time (K&E's whitebook was published) and nroff had a series of -m?
options including 'realesed papers' , and others where professors had a
format for publishing books, papers, almost everything.  At that time they
could send the output to a typesetter and publish directly (with proper
equipment of course).  As far as I know vi and nroff -m? were all that were
necessary.  Ahhh a simpler time. I might say that I wouldnt want to redo a
1000 page document to use the system, it required embedded clues as to
Thirdly thanks to Richard Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for his comments.
Actually this version of Openoffice calls TeX the tippa fonts I downloaded;
had said that they were called LatEx but I suppose that they are all the
Finally I must say that another positive thing about Linux is that I am
learning much more about computers than I ever learned with Windows.

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