On Sun, 3 Aug 2014 10:55:00 -0400
Steve Litt <sl...@troubleshooters.com> wrote:

Hello Steve,

>Yes, but *not* changing the Subject is an atrocity. I've often thought
>of piping everything with digest type Subjects to /dev/null. Another
>atrocity is these guys who leave the entire digest intact when replying.

I tend to agree with you, Steve.  On a list like this one where people
are, usually quite au fait with the relevant technology.

Unfortunately, I'm subscribed to many, *many* mailing lists that are
populated by people that have no idea how an MUA /actually/ works.  I
see umpteen ways of quoting text, many of which don't show as quoted
here, due to the way it's been done.  Quite an achievement, given that
99.9999% of MUAs quote correctly "out of the box".   Then there's the
top posting, bottom posting, not trimming, changing the Subject to
(falsely) start a new thread but *not* changing the Subject of the

I could go on.  And on.  Frankly, I've given up.

Personally, I feel that Sheldon Cooper(1) has the right idea;  We
shouldn't kill everyone that can't cope with the technology, but if we
make an example of a few, it'll give the rest incentive to learn.

(1) A 'Big Bang Theory' character for those that don't know.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
You couldn't find your feet, if you were looking for them
I Don't Like You - Stiff Little Fingers

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