Bob Proulx wrote:
> I used a variety of mailers back then and I don't recall which ones
> handled digests nicely and which did not.

I just tested mutt and digests and mutt handles message digests quite
well.  And furthermore because the Debian lists includes the
individual messages as MIME attements it doesn't need to burst the
digest apart first.  That is an improvement over previous digests I
have seen.

To test I subscribed to the digest form of the list in order to get
some digest messages to test.  Looking at a message in mutt I see that
each message comes as an message/rfc822 MIME attachment.

In mutt I view the MIME attachment structure with 'v' in order to see
the individual messages.  I select one message and view it with
<Return>.  Mutt displays that message individually.  I can
forward-message, reply, group-reply, list-reply all normally.  Mutt
sets the message headers appropriately.  Everything works.

This should work with any mailer that gives the ability to view MIME
attached message/rfc822 parts individually and list-reply to them.
Don't list-reply to the digest.  Instead list-reply to the individual
message that is MIME attached to the digest.


P.S. I still think digests are less desirable because I don't see a
way to view the discussion in a threaded view.  Threaded views have
been around for so long that I couldn't live without them.  Of course
Gmail and Outlook users don't have threaded views.  But I am sure that
if they did they wouldn't want to not have them either.

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