Steve Litt <> writes:

> On Sun, 07 Sep 2014 19:01:11 +0100
> Martin Read <> wrote:
>> If you aren't using a GUI, or your choice of GUI on Debian uses a 
>> traditional window manager (and doesn't use gdm3 or lightdm as its X 
>> display manager if it even has one) rather than being one of the 
>> "desktop environments",
> My research tells me that for Xfce, LXDE, Openbox, JWM, dwm, IceWM and
> the like, if you run without lightdm, whether because it was never
> installed or because you rename it or put an exit high in its config
> file, you simply boot to CLI, from which you can run startx as long as
> your .xinitrc has the invocation to your desired window manager/desktop
> environment.

Actually, you can do this on Debian without any fuss.  Do a minimal
install as usual, then install fvwm and run 'startx'.  No .xinitrc is
needed (mine is about 20 years old, though).

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