Patrick Bartek <> wrote:
> On Sun, 21 Sep 2014, Sven Hartge wrote:
>> Patrick Bartek <> wrote:

>>> For all the good it will do.  Google isn't going to change it.  If
>>> they were, they would have done so already. Solution?  Downgrade or
>>> install GLIBC from Testing to run side-by-side with Wheezy's 2.13.
>> Installing glibc from testing will not work the way you think it
>> will.  It will however have great potential to wreck your Wheezy
>> installation.

> Some reading I've done says it's possible and won't wreck the system.
> Although, I intend to test in a VM first.

You cannot install it in a way t run it side by side. By installing the
libc6 package from Jessie it will overwrite the one from Wheezy. This is
how the package manager works.

This late in the release cycle, upgrading the libc6 package will pull
many more packages from Jessie into your Wheezy installation,
transforming it into a mix of Wheezy and Jessie with a greater
possibility of having strange bugs.

>> As said in Comment 36 to issue 410805, Adobe is working an solving
>> the problem. We have to just wait.

> Adobe?  I thought they'd abandoned Linux.

Yes, but the Issue clearly states that Adobe does the Linux-Build of and Comment 36 is made by an Adobe employee.


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