2014/10/16 5:46 "Ric Moore" <wayward4...@gmail.com>:
> On 10/15/2014 12:39 PM, Steve Litt wrote:
>> We've actually been in this place before. Wonderful Linux company
>> Caldera became SCO (oversimplification, but you know what I mean).
>> Wonderful Linux company Corel changed their CEO, and promptly accepted
>> money from Microsoft and dropped all their Windows software.
> [...]

> If you knew Caldera, then you would know that it started with
capitalization and focus by the retired CEO of Novell, Ray Noorda.
> Now that is my kinda guy, as he knew that Linux would grow to be more
than a desktop hobby toy. And, he put his own money where his mouth was. He
was not responsible for what happened after. I still have a copy of the
Caldera install CD and it worked like a charm on an aging ThinkPad. But it
was too pitiful to watch Netscape try to update itself. :) Ric

Yes, Noorda was a good guy.

I think Steve was talking about a later CEO.

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