On Thu, 16 Oct 2014 09:23:02 +0100
Joe <j...@jretrading.com> wrote:

Hello Joe,

{snipped explanations}
All very useful info, thanks;  Cleared up a few things for me.

>I'm not for a moment doubting that it happens as you say, but there's
>no need for it in the case of a legitimate email, it is always possible

I suspect that it happens as part of a mis-guided (or ill-conceived)
anti-spam policy (any attachment that large *must* have a nasty payload,
etc, etc.)  To be fair, I've not fallen foul of the problem for some
time.  Having said that, there's been little need for me to send or
receive large files for some time.

These days, if I do need to transmit or receive large files, I upload
them to a file-space somewhere and ask the intended recipient to
download them, and ask them to do the same, so I can download.  This has
the (minor) bonus that people's mailboxes don't get clogged, and they
can download at a time that's convenient to them, rather than when it's
handy for me to send it.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
I'm spending all my money and it's going up my nose
Teenage Depression - Eddie & The Hot Rods

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