Scott Ferguson wrote:
On 20/10/14 04:03, Martin Read wrote:
On 19/10/14 17:45, Rusi Mody wrote:
As for 'wounded ego': Do you have a wounded ego if a dead branch
falls and smashes the windshield of your car? Or a Tsunami knocks
off your seafront house?

If you are taking offense, who are you offended by? Debian is not a
person (as far as I know!)
Debian is a project created by a group of people.

It is not a force of nature.

And "user/tester" rights?
Problematic.... to a degree all consumers are users and can/do provide
feedback. I'm not unsympathetic, just unsure of where the
"responsibility" lies, particularly with FOSS - and wary of unrealistic
Since analogies are being deployed:- If I find a piece of machinery
unsatisfactory I will let the manufacturer know - but getting a say in
the direction of the company, even when overlooking the problems of
satisfying a diversity of opinion, is not possible without at least the
purchase of a share or a position in the company. I could organise a
protest in the car park - but if my demands are unreasonable I may
succeed in changing the company direction at the cost of driving the
business - out of business.

Just some thoughts on the difficulties that would have to be dealt with
to achieve a successful outcome - for all involved.

Well, it's worth noting that in many areas of endeavor, users, or user communities, write specifications/standards that all players have to meet. So, for example, when one buys an ethernet card - vendors really do not really have a choice as to whether or not to implement the standards.

With Linux distros, including the kernel and implementing the LSB are pretty much things everyone has to meet (with a few notable exceptions like GNU/kFreeBSD - though arguably that's not Linux).

Miles Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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