On 10/23/2014 09:36 PM, ~Stack~ wrote:
> On 10/23/2014 08:29 PM, Don Armstrong wrote:
>> You can also change /etc/systemd/logind.conf, and change the
>> HandlePowerKey=, HandleSuspendKey=, HandleHibernateKey=,
>> HandleLidSwitch= all to ignore temporarily.
> Done. That seems to work! The laptop isn't sleeping incessantly. :-)

Just because I was curious, I decided to test out which one of these is
actually the culprit. Thus, I edited logind.conf and commented out the
ignore line on all but one at a time. Then 'systemctl stop
systemd-logind.service' and then 'systemctl start
systemd-logind.service' (yeah, I could have probably done a restart, but
I wanted to ensure a full stop). Every time the laptop would instantly
go to sleep on start.

Except for HandleLidSwitch.

That is the one causing problems. Leaving that one set to ignore stops
the constant sleep cycle. Maybe the smarter people have already figured
that out, but for me it was nice to know the exact one being a pain. :-)


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