On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 06:23:26PM +0100, Laurent Bigonville wrote:
> Le Tue, 11 Nov 2014 11:58:33 -0500,
> Tanstaafl <tansta...@libertytrek.org> a écrit :
> > On 11/11/2014 9:26 AM, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud <o...@debian.org> wrote:
> > > Blaming the Debian project for letting the Debian distribution
> > > evolve in ways defined by its volunteers is unfair.
> > 
> > Eh? My understanding is that this systemd mess is due to a vote of the
> > technical committee, a vote that was in fact tied and the chair had to
> > cast the tie-breaker.
> > 
> > Hardly waht I would call an 'evolution defined by its volunteers'...
> The members of the project have delegated the power to arbitrate
> technical decisions to the the technical committee via the
> constitution. Some people might not agree with this, but this how the
> project is working today.

And that power which was delegated can be reclaimed anytime by it's true
and legitimate owner if, for some reason - say the TC reached a decision
with a Minerva vote by Project Leader and that decision has proven over
the time to be highly controversial among debian users and developers -,
he feels the need to do so.

As far as debian is related to software, very question can be expressed
as a technical one. As far as it is a project commited to some political
goals, some technical decisions can hinder, others can further project's

Nobody is claiming that the TC shouldn't be allowed to decide on technical
issues, but there are people who seem to think that this is equal to
TC's decisions being final, undebatable and impossible to overrule. If
this is true, however, we cannot claim that TC's power is delegated, we
need to recognize that it is an unlimited de facto power.

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