On Vi, 14 nov 14, 08:55:47, Tanstaafl wrote:
> On 11/14/2014 5:26 AM, Andrei POPESCU <andreimpope...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > It was claimed that sysvinit was the default *and only* (emphasis not 
> > mine) init, and therefore no selection was needed, but now that there 
> > are several a selection suddenly is needed.
> I don't recall claiming that sysvinit was the *only* init, nor do I
> recall anyone else making such a claim.

Maybe a language issue? (I'm not a native speaker).
> My very simple point is and has been that, *because* the *default* init
> system for debian has been sysvinit since anyone can apparently
> remember, the very act of even *suggesting* that it be switched in
> jessie to not only a *different*, but a (relatively) *very new* one,
> should have invoked a very simple requirement - for which the
> responsibility for implementation and maintenance would be on those
> calling for the switch - to provide a means for easily switching back
> and forth so that everyone else could easily test things, and
> ultimately, after the release of jessie with the new default, provide a
> means to easily choose the previous default installer at both update
> *and* install time, and maintain such at *least* during the life of the
> jessie (if not jessie+1).

For fresh installs, given that there is a suitable[1] workaround the 
incentive to fix the bug[2] so late in the release cycle is low, as it 
might introduce other breakage.

[1] so far the only claims against that workaround have been of the sort 
"I don't want systemd anywhere near my systems", without actual proof of 
something going wrong.

[2] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=668001

For dist-upgrades, even assuming systems will be switched automatically 
(which is still undecided):

- one can prevent switching by installing sysvinit-core before the 
  dist-upgrade step
- the sysvinit package contains the binary /lib/sysvinit/init which can 
  be used with the init= kernel parameter
- there is a grub patch[3] pending integration[4] to offer an 
  alternative sysvinit boot option

[3] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=757298
[4] https://lists.debian.org/debian-ctte/2014/10/msg00057.html 

The transition plan[5] has been posted on -devel since July with no 

[5] https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2014/07/msg00611.html

Kind regards,
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