Scott Ferguson wrote:
Thanks for responding.

On 20/11/14 11:47, Miles Fidelman wrote:
Scott Ferguson wrote:
On 20/11/14 08:14, Miles Fidelman wrote:
Brian wrote:
On Wed 19 Nov 2014 at 12:41:45 -0500, Miles Fidelman wrote:

Jonathan Dowland wrote:
On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 03:25:24AM +1100, Andrew McGlashan wrote:

The vast majority on debian-user see this list as being for the support
of users who *use* Debian and not a talking shop about it.
to pervert its purpose is little short of bad manners, no matter how
interesting a small number may find the topic. Please be considerate.

Ummm.... quite a few of us ARE using Debian, and HAVE BEEN using Debian,
and discussion of comparisons and alternatives seems to be perfectly on

[curious] Other than a possible exercise in self-validation - if, as
you've previously stated, *you have ceased using Debian* - why do you
continue posting to Debian user?

You must be thinking of someone else.
Indeed, after re-reading, I am (Golinux).  My apologies for that.

I've NEVER stated that I've ceased using Debian.  I expect to be running
Wheezy on our servers for quite some time to come, and watching closely
to see:
- if LTS becomes available for Wheezy
- if building Jessie w/o the systemd ecosystem is viable, and remains so
(for a start, if debootstrap ever gets patched for pre-seeding a
sysvinit install), and whether systemd alternatives suffer bitrot
- if Jessie w/ systemd becomes Debian's Vista, and folks (IMHO) come to
their senses in time for the next major release

And meanwhile, I'll be:
- exploring other distros that have not bought off on systemd, and all
that comes with it (and seeing how goes the Linux ecosystem in general)
- perhaps contributing to a server-oriented, systemd-less fork
- exploring BSDs and illumus distros in depth, particularly as regards
support for high-availability clustering on commodity hardware
- exploring ways to take our applications that currently run on a
xen/drbd/pacemaker cluster, and refactor them to operate with
application-layer HA (facilitating a move to a BSD or illumos environment)

As to why I remain on this list:
- I am a Debian users, and will remain one for some number of years

- Occasionally I need some support
This used to be a great place to get that, I hope it will once again be.

- At other times, I'm able to offer some support
For which I'm grateful, a factor which I take into consideration...

- I remain hopeful that the Debian developers come to their senses, and
that all this Poettering-inspired brou hah hah blows over before Wheezy
reaches end-of-life.
...when putting up the likes of that. If it was anyone else I wouldn't
have patiently endured the shower of FUD, slander, mistruths and false
prophecies you've flooded this list with in recent months.

What? The occasional pointer to the man's own writings about directions he wants to take Linux in? Or a reference of some of Linus' reactions to the man's code? I'm really not sure how you consider that slander, or mistruth. As to false prophecies, well... predictions can only be evaluated over time.


In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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