On 2015-01-13 at 12:38, David Parker wrote:


My /etc/mail/access file is pasted below.  The PC I'm testing from is on the 
10.x.x.x network, which should be allowed to
connect with no delay.  I have also tried setting the default GreetPause to "0" 
but it still made no difference.

Connect:localhost RELAY
GreetPause:localhost 0
ClientRate:localhost 0
ClientConn:localhost 0
Connect:127 RELAY
GreetPause:127 0
ClientRate:127 0
ClientConn:127 0
Connect:IPv6:::1 RELAY
GreetPause:IPv6:::1 0
ClientRate:IPv6:::1 0
ClientConn:IPv6:::1 0
Connect:10 RELAY
GreetPause:10 0
ClientRate:10 0
ClientConn:10 0

I'm struggling with a reference beyond my own work. Please try putting a second and maybe a third octet on your GreetPause: 10 line. Also, please verify you are issuing a kill -HUP on sendmail. We never got sendmail greetpause to work with a single octet. Normally we do 3 octets for all the RFC1918 addresses we use.


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