
Thank you for your clear response.

I have a couple of follow-up questions:

Assuming that I now wipe Wheezy off my disk, and replace it with
Jessie RC1...

1)  Other than testing it myself, how can I find out if this (Jessie RC1)
will properly support the AMD A4-6300 APU?

2)  What if anything will I need to manually tweek/diddle/edit in order to
cause my newly installed Jessie RC1 to properly fetch the newer XBMC 13.2,
which you mentioned?  If I just say "apt-get install xbmc" will that get
it?  Or will I need to edit or modify some repository links someplace?
(Sorry, I am kind-of new to debian's repository system, so I'm still just
feeling my way along.)

Thanks in advance for any further enlightenment.


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