I'm still searching for an answer to this.

After upgrade from wheezy to testing, sendmail no longer starts.

I see that the system is using systemd.  I see that the
/etc/init.d/sendmail script now runs /bin/systemctl start
sendmail.service.  But sendmail isn't started.  Even running
'/bin/systemctl start sendmail.service' manually, nothing happens.

I don't see any obvious way to get any debug info out of systemctl.

# systemctl is-enabled sendmail
Failed to get unit file state for sendmail.service: No such file or


# /bin/systemctl enable sendmail.service
Synchronizing state for sendmail.service with sysvinit using update-rc.d...
Executing /usr/sbin/update-rc.d sendmail defaults
Executing /usr/sbin/update-rc.d sendmail enable
# systemctl is-enabled sendmail
Failed to get unit file state for sendmail.service: No such file or

On Sun, Feb 1, 2015 at 12:11 AM, Michael Grant <mgr...@grant.org> wrote:

> Today I upgraded a test machine from wheezy to testing.
> It seemed to install systemd, I'm not sure if it's using it or not.
> One thing I noticed though was that sendmail no longer starts at boot.
> Even if I run:
> /etc/init.d/sendmail start
> or if I cd to /etc/mail and run:
> make restart
> or if I do this:
> nothing except running 'sendmail -bd' will start sendmail.
> In syslog I see this:
> Jan 31 18:53:43 blah systemd[1]: Started LSB: powerful, efficient, and
> scalable Mail Transport Agent.
> in mail.log I don't see anything when I try to start sendmail via
> /etc/init.d/sendmail.
> I do not have the lsb-invalid-mta package installed.  I have tried
> reinstalling the sendmail package.  I have tried the testing and unstable
> versions of sendmail.
> Any ideas where I should look next to figure out what's going on?
> Michael Grant

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