Patrick Bartek <> writes:

> On Tue, 24 Feb 2015, Sharon Kimble wrote:
>> Patrick Bartek <> writes:
>> > On Tue, 24 Feb 2015, Sharon Kimble wrote:
>> >
>> >> I have just bought a new computer,a Lenovo 050 desktop. Its working
>> >
>> > I couldn't find an 050 model.  Did you mean H50?
>> Nope, its a Lenovo 050 Desktop from ebuyer
> Couldn't find that model listed anywhere.  Even searched ebuyer's site.
> Nothing. Just trying to get the specs on it.  Curious.  No matter as it
> seems installing watchdog solved your problem.  Although, why watchdog
> wasn't installed in the first place or why it needed to be installed at
> all. ???  It's not on my Wheezy system, and I have no problems.  Of
> course, my current system is 1 to 8 years old depending on which
> part. ;-)
It seems that something was calling watchdog, which wasn't
installed, so it seems that everything froze because of it. 

>> >
>> >> reasonably okay except for the occasional crashes. For instance,
>> >> I've had it a fortnight now and its longest uptime has been just
>> >> over 3 days, even though its on all the time!
>> >
>> > What OS did it come with Windows 7 or 8?  Did the machine crash when
>> > running Windows?  If yes, you could have a hardware problem.  If no,
>> > then it's probably a Linux problem.
>> >
>> 8.1, which was very soon removed to install wheezy to upgrade to
>> jessie. 
>> > You seemed to have installed Jessie 32-bit based on your other
>> > posting -- "installed watchedog" . . . i386.
>> >
>> > What version of Jessie?  It's at RC1 as of 25 Jan.
>> It was installed on 10th February, a netinstall of wheezy. Then
>> upgraded to jessie on the same day.
>> >
>> > Dual boot or did you wipe out Windows?
>> >
>> > GNOME3 desktop?
>> Fluxbox, I went into gnome once whilst I installed fluxbox, and
>> there I remain.
> When GNOME went to 3, I stopped using GNOME.  It caused more problems
> than it was worth. Even installing another environment or just
> using a window manager, it still got in the way.  Ultimately, when I
> upgraded to Debian Wheezy (from Fedora 12) I did a netinstall, Basic
> System.  Added what I wanted -- X, etc. -- service by service,
> app by app.
> You should be able to choose which environment or window manager you
> want on the login page.  If you set Fluxbox as the Default, system
> should boot to it the next time and every time until you change it.
>> >
>> > Here's what I'd do.  Start over from zero.  You could have a
>> > corrupted install.  Wipe out your current Jessie.  Download and
>> > install the most current 64-bit version. Do a checksum on the
>> > download itself and the CD or DVD after burning.  Depending on your
>> > Internet connection, a netinstall CD will get you an up-to-date
>> > system when the install is completed.
>> Everything is working okay, that crashing was the only problem, so
>> thanks, but I'm staying with it as it is. The setup was missing
>> "watchdog" which is now installed. But it is a good idea to get a
>> new 64-bit version, my install disk was burnt on 28 May 2013 so it
>> does need to be replaced. 
> You said you upgraded from Wheezy.  When or if, you reinstall Jessie,
> just get the latest version and do a clean install.  I've never done a
> distribution upgrade that didn't require fixing in some way or other.
> Clean installs are the least problematical.
Good advice, which I'm going to follow.

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