David Christensen <dpchr...@holgerdanske.com> writes:

> On 02/24/2015 03:23 AM, Sharon Kimble wrote:
>> I have just bought a new computer,a Lenovo 050 desktop. Its working
>> reasonably okay except for the occasional crashes.
>> ...
>> It has crashed when I've been using it, and its crashed overnight
>> whilst I've been asleep! There does not seem to be any pattern to
>> it, or any noticeable trigger.
> A failing power supply and/or off-spec memory module can cause
> unpredictable lock-up's.
> I use an inexpensive ATX power supply tester for quick pass/fail testing:
>     http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16899129001
> I use memtest86+ for checking RAM:
>     http://www.memtest.org/
> Run memtest86+ for at least 12 hours; better 24.  I've seen machines with
> infrequent lock-up problems pass an hour or more of testing, only to fail
> once or twice in later hours.
> If your new computer fails either of the above, return it.
> If the memory and power supply test out okay, then understand that the
> whole point of the Debian "testing" release is to find bugs.  Here is your
> opportunity to do so.
This is the second release that I've run as "testing", so I'm well
used to sorting stuff out when it breaks, but this situation had me
beat as it had never happened before!
> On 02/24/2015 10:56 AM, Sharon Kimble wrote:
>> It was installed on 10th February, a netinstall of wheezy. Then
>> upgraded to jessie on the same day.
> On 02/24/2015 10:56 AM, Sharon Kimble wrote:
>> But it is a good idea to get a
>> new 64-bit version, my install disk was burnt on 28 May 2013 so it
>> does need to be replaced.
> If you're going to re-install, a fresh ISO would be a good idea.  I
> typically run amd64 on compatible hardware, but i386 with PAE (default)
> supports more than 4 GB of RAM too.  Installing and running Wheezy for a
> week or so should narrow the possibilities.
Its something that I'm bearing in mind if I need it for the future.

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Debian testing, fluxbox 1.3.6, emacs

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