On Saturday 11 April 2015 09:20:11 Petter Adsen wrote:
> On Sat, 11 Apr 2015 05:01:43 -0400
> Gene Heskett <ghesk...@wdtv.com> wrote:
> > On Saturday 11 April 2015 02:39:47 Petter Adsen wrote:
> > > On Fri, 10 Apr 2015 13:46:36 -0400
> > >
> > > Gene Heskett <ghesk...@wdtv.com> wrote:
> > > > On Friday 10 April 2015 10:28:36 Curt wrote:
> > > > > There is something else to try:
> > > > >
> > > > > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key

The one innocuous sounding command I tried, the h for help, needing some 
bit of finger dexterity my side of beef sized hands do not do well, 
asking for the help, did nothing.  Tried once from the left ctrl+alt and 
from the right versions in case it was side specific.  I didn't try any 
other combo's.

I ought to print that wiki page for future reference. But it would be 
immediately buried for posterity unless I build some letter sized 
drawers and installed them on the bottom face of the coffee table like 
bit of furniture whose legs straddle the 23" wide screen monitor in 
front of me.  There's about 2.5" of usable space above the monitor.

> > > > I have occasionally tried that, (when I can remember it) has not
> > > > worked yet, for me, even with a wired keyboard.  That is
> > > > something that distro compilers building kernels for their
> > > > disto, seem to have a delight in disabling/ignoring.
> > > >
> > > > This particular keyboard has not such a marked key.  White
> > > > logitech K360.
> > >
> > > On most keyboards it is marked "Print Screen", or some shortening
> > > thereof. Or do you have a small keyboard without such a key?
> > >
> > > Petter
> >
> > That is an alternate logo resembling Prnt Scr on the home key in
> > some cross of tan & orange, whch when you look appears to be a
> > function of holding down the "FN" key, labeled in that same color
> > between the right alt and and right Ctrl keys. Presumably to be used
> > as a shift key to bring the orange/brown logos on the other keys
> > into play?
> I would think so. Just yesterday I got a new keyboard, a Razer
> Blackwidow. While it is a "gaming" keyboard, it is actually very
> comfortable. It also has a FN key, which is used as a modifier to
> extend the functionality of the function keys. It is presumably the
> same on your keyboard.

Barring evidence to the contrary, I am with you.
> However, I remember seeing machines (mostly laptops) where the FN key
> only worked in Wintendo.

I've not used my now elderly lappy recently enough to say one way or the 
other, but if it was different, I'd be a bit surprised and would 
remember for sure.  This one is an HP 5150dv IIRC.  And other than my 
personal hatred of keys with zero space between them, its always Just 
Worked, and its not had a windows install on it since about 2004.  It 
came with XP.

> > The FN key on every other keyboard I own is a alternate action
> > switch key, toggling the F# keys in and out of existance, but not on
> > wheezy. Or this keyboard. TBD which. "To Be Determined" for those
> > that need the acronym lookup wiki.
> >
> > Q:Do we have any docs that show how this is supposed to work?
> > A:Not that I can find.
> >
> > Q:Does wheezy by default install a tool that shows these keys and
> > allows the user to remap/unmap a key?
> > A:No. I had to find that package using google, then install it.
> I did a quick search here, and found this:
> http://forums.logitech.com/t5/Keyboards-and-Keyboard-Mice/K360-FN-key-

That looks like it could at least be a tutorial. IF winderz was allowed 
on the premesis(sp)(unknown to the spell checker, and it gets dumber by 
the release)

> Don't get excited, though :)

> It seems you need a Wintendo tool to 
> configure them, something called "SetPoint". I do not know whether you
> could use that to configure the keys and the settings would be stored
> in the actual keyboard, more likely the software stores the settings
> in a file and enables them on every boot. But you could always try
> running it in Wine and see?

What wine? It is so crippled by its W95 compliance with hardware support 
for todays hardware completely missing that its worthless, so if I 
absolutely need to run a winders app, I'll go buy crossover.  And the 
last time I did that, it could not run the firmware updater that a 
fawncy Brother color laser print I had purchased, needed before it was 
usable even with Brothers own linux drivers.

I very strongly suspect that this "SetPoint" would not be executable 
under wine even if I knew where to snag a copy. Something not mentioned 
in that forum link thread.

> > And when that combo is pressed right now, ksnapshot pops up with a
> > snapshot of the screen about 3 seconds later. So it looks as if that
> > bit of magic has been pre-empted for something else on wheezy. 
> > Which genius decided that?
> I would not think SysRq has been remapped, I would guess that you are
> not pressing the correct key combination - look at the Wikipedia page.
> From what I remember, it is SysRq + Alt + <key for the function you
> want) - + Ctrl if you are in X. In addition to those, you would
> probably also need to press the FN key, so that would be a real
> exercise in finger dexterity :)
> > People blindly reassigning key functions, who haven't a clue even if
> > they were free, have already created a key hunt it took me months to
> > find by their reassignment of the F10 key, which historically has
> > been the quit key for mc.  So that turns quitting mc into a 3 or 4
> > clicks of the mouse operation when its been that single keystroke
> > for an instant quit since 1997!  Made triply insulting by whoever
> > added that damned "are you sure" requestor.  If I didn't want to
> > quit mc, then why the heck did I press the F10 key?
> Some terminals (I'm looking at you, gnome-terminal!) have F10 mapped
> to open the menu, which obviously don't work well with mc, among other
> things. It can usually be disabled. In mc, you can press F9, o, o and
> you will get a menu where you can configure when mc will ask you for
> confirmations. Uncheck "Exit", go back to the "Options" menu and
> select "Save setup" - it will not bother you again :)

Whoopy Ding Yippy kie yie ohh, done, and thank you very much Petter.
> I grew up with Norton Commander, so mc has always held a special place
> in my toolbox :)

Same here.  We've had all sorts of prettier faces on a 2 pane file 
manager to play with installed, but when you look under the covers, they 
are not equipt to do the job.  I had hopes for kde's krusader, but it 
was the palace eunuch under the covers. :(  To quote Jackie Gleason, 
what a revoltin development that was.

> > Very good question that... Question of the year maybe.
> >
> > Thanks Petter. I seriously doubt any of this rant was caused by you.
> I hope not :)
> > You have always wanted to help and I appreciate the help you've
> > tendered.
> Thank you, Gene. I hope you find some of this helpful, too. At least
> you can now get rid of that pesky "Are you sure?" box :)
Yeah, you da man!

> > But as a long time linux user, pushing 18 years now, I feel like the
> > "oh look, a pony" crowd has been discharged from the asylum and been
> > given free reign over what linux does for key press X.
> Thankfully, most software for Linux is configurable, so key-bindings
> etc can usually be set to something sane.

If you can find the tool to do it.  In wheezy's case, keyboard managment, 
in their considered opinion, consists of sliders for repeat delay and 
repeat speed once it kicks in.  There are other even less important 
options , but IMNSHO, the global key mappings, and the ability to change 
them, belong in this relatively easy to find utility.  They would be 
right at home on YAT (Yet Another Tab). But gee whilikers folks, that 
would make it TOO easy... :(

> > Seriously, there needs to be a published standard for non
> > alphanumeric key functions, with a first commandment of "thou shalt
> > not reassign these standard keys" displayed in 72 point type at the
> > top of the page.
> >
> :-)
> Have a good one,

I try Petter, but sometimes you wonder if its worth it to gnaw thru the 
straps and get up mornings. ;-)  But 2 cups of java and my morning pills 
and in about an hour its all better. :)

Take care now.

> Petter

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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