> > > linux-firmware-nonfree package, in case you don't have this installed.
> Do you have this package installed? What does "apt-cache policy
> linux-firmware-nonfree" say?

​It says unable to locate linux-firmware-nonfree

ie it's not installed I guess

> > deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux testing _Stretch_ - Official Snapshot amd64
> > Binary-1 20150518-05:37]/ stretch contrib main
> You can comment this one out. Also, the lines for Jessie might as well
> be removed so you don't accidentally uncomment them at some point. Keep
> a backup of the whole file if you want to keep a record of them.
> > ​Does the above look OK or is it a bit addled in some way?
> It looks OK, I don't think your problem has anything to do with this.
> If you install the package "bootlogd" you will get a file
> called /var/log/boot.log after your next boot with all boot messages.

​I installed bootlogd but when I looked in /var/log there was no boot.log

There was a file called boot that was empty

> You might want to remove "quiet" from the line with
> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub and run update-grub to
> see messages during boot.

​I have done so.​


Regards MF​

> Also, what does "cat /proc/cmdline" say?
> Petter
> --
> "I'm ionized"
> "Are you sure?"
> "I'm positive."

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