On 2 July 2015 at 20:29, Lisi Reisz <lisi.re...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thursday 02 July 2015 18:37:21 Michael Fothergill wrote:
> > I had to do aptitude install linux-firmware-nonfree to get it installed.
> It
> > is not automatic.
> No, it is not.  Upgrade doesn't know what new software you want to
> install!!!
> I should read up on aptitude.
> Lisi
> ​I am used to installing packages from the non-free repositories that do
non essential things independently of apt-get update and aptitude
safe-upgrade etc.

But, I thought that if  X windows can't work without a given package, even
if it is a non-free one, then once the sources.list file has the non-free
moniker present it then if you ran apt-get update and then aptitude
safe-upgrade it would automatically fetch it and install it- because to me
at any rate, X windows is an important part of the OS from a practical

But that was incorrect.



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