On 07/07/2015, Marc D Ronell <mron...@alumni.upenn.edu> wrote:
> I am  working toward  teaching a free  introductory class to  teens on
> GNU/Linux  and the  philosophy of  free  software at  the Newton  Free
> Library in MA this coming September.
> For the class, the participants  will need access to GNU/Linux.  After
> reviewing   some  options,   including   sdf.org,  virtual   machines,
> Chromebooks,  etc.,  I  am  considering just  asking  participants  to
> purchase a dedicated  laptop and installing the OS.  I  may be able to
> direct students to install fests  in the area before the class starts.
> I am  not sure that this is  the best idea, but  it offers significant
> advantages including a potentially working  box as part of the results
> of the course.
> As a test, I purchased  a laptop (Toshiba Satellite C75-B7180) on sale
> for $350  at our local Microcenter  in Cambridge and was  able to load
> GNU/Linux  for my  son.  I  am  thinking of  working some  programming
> assignments in Squeak (Smalltalk), but  maybe C is a better choice for
> an OS class?
> Has  anyone tried  running a  GNU/Linux  intro class  for teens?   Can
> anyone  share their  experiences, thoughts  or  suggestions?  Feedback
> based on actual experience would be most helpful, I think, but I would
> appreciate any insights.
> Thanks for your thoughts,
> Marc

I have no idea as to how suitable this is for your targeted audience,
but, just seen on a local Linux User Group, is this;

Hello all,

I recently discovered that Linux Foundations (linuxfoundation.org) are
promoting a couple of free courses from the Enterprise IT & Linux
System Administration Training section (delivered through edX).

[LFS101] Introduction to Linux
[LFS102] Fundamentals of Linux

More details can be found at there website and

Bret Busby
West Australia

"So once you do know what the question actually is,
 you'll know what the answer means."
- Deep Thought,
 Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
 "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
 A Trilogy In Four Parts",
 written by Douglas Adams,
 published by Pan Books, 1992


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