> A=$(lsusb | grep -i 'Stylus Color 740')
> if [ -z "$A" ]; then
>    systemctl stop cups.service cups.socket cups.path
> fi
> (No sniggering at the back, please. I'm aware of the deficiencies in the
> logic. Improvements are welcome).

I would have phrased it something like this:

if ! lsusb | grep -qi 'Stylus Color 740'; then
   systemctl stop cups.service cups.socket cups.path

grep exits with > 0 if it doesn't find your pattern. In this case you
can use -q to prevent grep from printing matching lines on stdout.

Ugly one-liner:

lsusb | grep -qi 'Stylus Color 740' || systemctl stop cups.service cups.socket 

"EITHER grep finds something OR I want to shut down Cups."

I have been manipulated and permanently distorted.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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