On Wed, 12 Aug 2015 20:38:19 -0400 (EDT), Patrick Bartek wrote:
> I've never used GNOME 3.  It won't fully run on any of my systems since
> none don't have 3D capability.  So, it goes into "fallback" mode.

I assume you meant to say "none have 3D capability".

When GNOME 3 first came out, it had a "fallback mode" for systems without
3D graphics acceleration capability.  "Fallback mode" was essentially the
GNOME 2 interface.  I continued to use GNOME 3 in fallback mode for a
while.  Changing desktops is a lot of work, and I'm lazy.  But eventually,
GNOME 3 eliminated fallback mode.  At that point, GNOME 3 became totally
unusable for me.  I have at least two systems without 3D graphics
capability: one desktop and one laptop.  I'm not sure about the others.
Anyway, elimination of fallback mode from GNOME 3 forced the issue.
I had to switch to something else.  I did some research, and discovered
that XFCE was a popular desktop with a GNOME2-like interface and
was designed to accommodate applications written for GNOME.  I thought it
would be a relatively smooth transition for me.  So I tried it.  I've never
looked back.

XFCE is my standard desktop now.  When doing new installs on new
machines, I install XFCE as the desktop by selecting it as the desktop
of choice in the Debian installer.  If I were to start over from scratch
today, I might try LXDE.  But I'm happy with XFCE, and I see no compelling
reason to change at this point.

  .''`.     Stephen Powell    <zlinux...@wowway.com>
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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